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Reference & Works Cited Pages

Are you writing an essay/article for college, work or some other reason and need help with your in-text citations and/or reference/works cited page(s)?


Whether you are using APA or MLA style, allow KNotED by Kimani to ensure that your citations and references are properly formatted.

Reference & Works Cited Pages

  • The price for editing in-text citations and reference or works cited pages varies depending upon the complexity of the task.

    Before accepting the job, an estimate will be provided (after KNotED by Kimani receives your final draft of the product) in order to determine the complexity of the document, the level of editing/research required, and the turnaround time requested.

    A $20-deposit is required to initiate the process.

KNotED by Kimani

1209 Hill Road North #255

Pickerington, Ohio 43147

(614) 321-7671

©2023 by KNotED by Kimani

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